My humble Beginning...

In case you were wondering who the face behind The Cosy Box is...

My name is Lorena ♡

It's been six months since I started The Cosy Box and it has been a magical journey...

Is it only me?
No, my amazing family is beside me helping in every way they can. My daughter is basically my first employee 🤣

What inspired me?
We live in a world where we are chasing life, multitasking, trying to keep up and stressed in our everyday way of living.
My dream is to help others experience the magic that unfolds when we go within and consciously create a space to relax, enjoy the little pleasures in life and simply be in the moment. Live a hygge life...

My vision?
Leave my customers feeling brighter, happier, more loved, comforted and joyful than when they came to me.
I've been pouring my heart and soul into The Cosy Box Co and everyday I wake up with joy in my heart, and every single box is prepared and sent with love and mindfulness.

Our love for nature is behind every choice that we make

From every product to our minimal sustainable packaging, everything inside your Cosy Box was carefully chosen with Mother Earth in mind.  We won't do it any other way...

We dream of a world where we all care about the eco footprint we're leaving behind.

Little choices create big changes. As you get cosy with your special box, you can relax and smile for choosing a zero waste lifestyle. Thank you for being part of our ripple effect. 💚

Our inspiration comes from the Danish concept of Hygge

Hygge has been called everything from "the art of creating intimacy", "cosiness of the soul" and, my personal favourite "cocoa by candlelight"  **

Hygge is simply acknowledging a feeling or moment, whether alone or with friends. The Cosy Box is here to recreate this feeling effortlessly.

**Meik Wiking, author of The Little Book of Hygge.